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Status Updates posted by antitheus

  1. Cd paki era is over?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sosa


      ass burgers for leader ^

    3. Finest
    4. Halal


      nope browns downs are still around


  2. Anti 4 oldschool off the screen

  3. Member rank ugly asf this happens if you dont get 100 cb

    1. antitheus


      So train up if you can

    2. antitheus


      Dont end up like me :(

    3. King Dete

      King Dete

      wat happened to everyone tho

  4. Got vissy while killing brutal black dragons :))))

    1. yfzboy007
    2. Hansis


      damn nice lol

    3. ahmad


      Youre still going to be 72 cb after a year so idc lol

  5. What's on the menu saturday and sunday, Some cooked bear meat?

    1. Race War

      Race War

      the nigga tamed the lion now he's about to murder the bear

    2. Own u 1107

      Own u 1107

      i am professional hunter thanks to my dad and i cant wait to hunt some delicious bear meat and use the skin as carpet

    3. Pain


      the nigga tamed the lion now he's about to murder the bear

  6. Sharkbrew down?

  7. I would like to claim veteran , thnx

    1. ahmad


      been away 8 months been here 2 months lmaoaoaoaoao give this man his veteran

    2. xElxmarvilx
  8. today is a good day 2 be CD

  9. por favor?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sosa


      *pendejo es mas alto mi pene que usted gonorrea hijueputa

    3. Berbom
    4. xElxmarvilx


      i just had to read the ''callate'' with bsers voice lmfao

  10. 3 strikes and you're out law steve

    1. Dillon


      This isn't the first time that this happened.

  11. lol i miss cd already ; _ ; almost as hard as quitting weed. but cya hicks

  12. Sum1 update the memberlist (last updated 2016-02- 07

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xElxmarvilx


      Own u is gone now RIP

    3. gc faith

      gc faith

      if own u doesn't do it, nobody does.

    4. antitheus


      Ill update if ypu give me a special rank lmfao

  13. Gc faith add me on league for free elo boosting

    1. stonem


      Not really a fan of the font tbh

    2. HIMSA


      needs more cowbell

  14. Make sure to post a sharkbrew aftermath topic after every big event so we win wcotm. Also my laptop is @ pakis atm getting repaires and how is gcfaith a officer again? Let him fill in a app or something

    1. antitheus


      Jk ly gcfaith

    2. HIMSA


      gc faith sucked dik for it

    3. gc faith

      gc faith

      it didnt taste good^

  15. How long does it take to repair your laptop screen in one of those paki shops. Don't wanna miss weekend trips and have a second screen...

    1. antitheus


      My activity will go up from only attending trips to training up to warrior rank. :)

    2. xElxmarvilx


      Bother them everyday

  16. Guys do you actually realise what we've done to doom? They were a 1 def mpc. Look at them now! They 're all getting 20 def and need mains with them to compete. We can say we demoralized them to that without any doubt. I won't take long till they can't compete with mains and 20 def. Just keep going! CD PRIDE WORLDWIDE!

    1. antitheus


      Cd pride off the screen!!!!

    2. HIMSA
  17. Almost a 150 man ml again! Goodjob recruiting!

  18. Stop emberassing my klomper account.. i worked hard for it

  19. Once i was 7 years old

    1. HOG


      I am 7 years old.

  20. My new name is CD Antitheus

  21. Can i lend a bond from some1 gonna pay it back in 1 week

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